In this modern world of ours, it is easy to accept science as our benefactor and religion as our enemy. All around us we continually see the miracles that science and engineering provides us. But when we turn to religion, we experience few if any real miracles ourselves. In place of the concrete evidence we desperately desire, we are generally told simply to accept hearsay, with the result that we are often left with little reward to show for our faith. And all too often, in fact, we find ourselves feeling far more confused by religion than enlightened.
Given this bias in favor of science over religion that appears to exist in our world today, is there any reason for someone to believe that science's view of the world might not be entirely accurate or complete? Could our scientists possibly be overlooking something rather peculiar and important about the way the world really works? Could there be a significant spiritual or paranormal aspect to our existence that we have somehow overlooked or that has intentionally been hidden from us?
I believe there is, and I believe that I have found some rather convincing evidence in support of that belief. But the evidence I have to offer is not found in some sort of proof of either extrasensory perception or ghosts. Nor is it found in astrology, tarot cards, numerology or other, commonly alleged paranormal phenomena. Rather the evidence I have stumbled upon can incredibly be found within a single name: Albert Einstein.
Obviously, this is going to take a bit of explaining.
A couple years ago I began to study the English language in earnest. When I say "study", however, I do not mean that I studied English grammar, composition and/or etymology as one might typically do in high school or college. Rather, I mean that I began to study English words as though they were from some sort of ancient, as yet to be deciphered language, like Mycenaean Linear A.
And what I discovered through such research was rather remarkable. Specifically, I discovered that each letter in the Latin alphabet (which is also the English alphabet) appears to have a set of distinct meanings associated with it. While most linguists generally assume that a word like bridge is merely a random sequence of sounds and letters that, over time, happened to become associated with a particular object, I found that the letters in words likebridge do not appear to be random at all; instead, the letters in bridge and many words like it appear as if to have been carefully chosen based on the meanings associated with them.
As remarkable as those discoveries may sound, I also discovered another rather curious phenomenon. Specifically, I found that, when names were translated based on their letter meanings, the resulting translations appeared to describe key events and/or other significant facts related to the people and places named. And, as it happens, the name Albert Einstein illustrates that phenomenon extremely well.
Every high school student, of course, knows the name Albert Einstein. Einstein was the physicist who came up with the General Theory of Relativity, a theory that effectively rewrote the book when it came to mankind's understanding of the physical universe. And equally famous as is Einstein's name is his formula: e = mc2. Einstein's name and formula are so well known, in fact, that they have literally become synonymous; the mere mention of one immediately evokes the other.
What many high school students don't currently know, however, is that Einstein's name, when translated using the letter meanings I identified, can only be described as miraculous. Using the letter meanings I identified, Einstein's first name Albert can be translated as "below surface round object, out of movement that" and his last name,Einstein, can be translated as "out of within related, c related c, that out of light related". The significance of those translations may not be immediately obvious to you, so I will explain what they appear to represent.
Both translations appear to be related to the physics of small particles. "Below surface round object", for example, appears to be a description of an atom. "Out of movement that" appears to be a reference to the kinetic energy of the atom. "Out of within related" appears to be a description of mass, which is an intrinsic property of matter. "C related c" can be seen as being equivalent to c2, and "that out of light related" can be seen as indicating that the "c related c" has something to do with light and perhaps, even more specifically, to the movement of light. Taken together, in fact, Albert Einstein's first name appears to accurately describe the left side of his famous equation while his last name appears to accurately describe the right side of the equation.
Do you find this amazing? I do.
But this apparent name identity correspondence phenomenon is not at all limited to Einstein's name. I have also found it applies to other names: George Gamow, Jerusalem, Chretien, Chernobyl, and numerous other names of people, places and even fictional characters. My Olin Revelation website, in fact, actually provides translations--of admittedly varying degrees of apparent correspondence--for those and several hundred other names.
Of course I recognize that all of the information that I have just presented as well as that which can be found on my website concerning this phenomenon does not exactly prove the validity of the letter meanings I have found. Critics will argue, and rightly so, that the apparent accuracy of the letter meanings may simply be the result of pure chance and/or to perceptual biases akin to apophenia. For scientists to actually accept such claims concerning the meaning of letters as true, the claims need to be rigorously tested.
And that is, in fact, my hope. The claims I have made can be disproved. By randomly assigning the meanings I have identified to completely different letters and then synthesizing a set of translations that are equally convincing as those found on my website, the association between the meanings I have identified and the letters can be shown to be irrelevant.
In the conflict between science and the paranormal, science cannot always have the luxury of choosing its battles. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Now I think that it is time for science to pick it up.
A self-described computer geek with a background in computer assembly and software development, the author has long been fascinated with the historical basis behind the stories related to the Bible. While doing research related to the Noah's Ark story, the author stumbled upon the discovery of a lifetime: that the letters of the alphabet each have a set of distinct meanings associated with them and that many English words appear to have been coined based on those meanings. Following that discovery, the author established a website,, where those and other discoveries and observations have been posted. In addition to the discoveries related to the letter meanings, the Olin Revelation website also provides interesting research related to the Merovingians, the Carolingians and King Arthur. Article Source: |
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